Pricelist 2017

Advertising Rates – Publishing dates – Editorial Programme 2017

Online – E-Newsletter
Daily electronics news, weekly comments and monthly editorial features

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Elektronik i Norden was founded in 1992 and is 100 percent online since 2013. News, comments and deep technical articles are constantly available on the web. We continue to give the Nordic electronic design engineers information to make their working life easier.

Comments online and in the E-newsletter
Besides daily news coverage Göte Fagerfjäll, editor-in-chief, offer his ample personal comments in the E-newsletter on the events of the last few days. This comment is of course also available online. From 2008 to 2016 he has written more than 500 of these comments.
Under the headline ”Teknikspecial” Gunnar Lilliesköld covers subjects as technology for RF, semiconductors and measurements.
We also have comments from leading decision makers in the industry.

Deep technical articles
We try to make it as easy as possible to find technical articles. We have a number of focus areas, such as Embedded Technology, Analogue technology, FPGA/ASICs and RF/Microwave. All the areas are updated continuously, but as usual we also have a rolling scheme of added focus,
The technical articles are written by us or by technical experts from the industry. All articles are always readily available and easy to find. We also try to make articles from earlier years available in this way.

We continue to publish surveys in areas like Consultants, Measurement Instruments, Components, Production equipments and EMS Manufacturers. The surveys are available in searchable format and yearly in a PDF-version.

The editorial material continues to be freely available on the web. It is also free to subscribe to the newsletter.


Publication schedule for the features on the web


Advertise on the web

On the Web, you can be seen weekly or monthly, at different positions. Banner names and placements can be seen in the screenshots.


3 months – 6%, 6 months – 12%, 12 months – 18%
Pre-booking discount: 8% on orders placed before years end for next years placements

Technical information:
Digital ad material address:
Material specification: gif or jpg, animated gif, flash and html.
Left Button, Right Button and Inset Button max 50 kb. Other max 150 kb

Rotation and shown at
On each position 1-4 banners can be rotating, Head-, Textbanner will be seen at all pages in the system. Boom box at all pages except some administration pages. All other formats on editorial pages only

Advertise in the newsletter

The E-newsletters allow you to quickly reach out with your information. It has 10 000 subscribers and is published twice per week (Tuesday and Thursday).


Other formats on request. Contact Dave Harvett, +44 121 705 2120,

Technical information:
Digital material address:
Material specification: gif or jpg, animated gifs and html.
Circulation: Over 10 000 subscribers.
NOTE! In the weekly newsletters we can not publish flash

Advertise in the Product Database

You may also be included in our comprehensive market surveys (Produktdatabasen) online. It is free of charge, but for a small fee, you can stand out a bit more with your companies name in bold, your logo and link to your website and email address in the ”Company map” costs SEK 1.600:-/years. Add SEK 1.100:-/year extra and you get 200 free text words (searchable by visitor) describing your business and your products. Areas: See the feature plan

Advertising Department

Dave Harvett
Ad sales
+44 121 705 2120

Editorial Contacts:

Göte Fagerfjäll
Editor in chief/Publisher
+46 8 715 72 19

Gunnar Lilliesköld
Senior editor
+46 8 622 55 11

Anette Hammarström

Postal address: Elektronik i Norden, Nantesvägen 48, SE-184 94 Åkersberga, Sweden
+46 8 540 276 87, email:

Learn more at

For direct contact addresses, look online.

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